but I'm not certain about the "purebred"....
But it doesn't matter because chances are no one cares.
I see a dog someone once loved, but who grew old so they decided he was no longer worth keeping. Maybe his eyesight is gone, or in senility he started soiling the carpet, or maybe he's ill so they decided his medication was too expensive.... I guess all those years he waited at the door for his owner to get home, with tail wagging and barks of excitement ... or those times when his owner was sad, and he stared in their face with soft liquid brown eyes, and licked their hand...
just wasn't enough....

Impound Number: A3970126
Impound Date: 5/9/2009
Sex: Male
Primary Breed: COCKER SPAN
Age: 16 Years and 0 Months
5/14: UPDATE!!!!!! Someone (an angel masquerading as a "stay-at-home mom") is going to adopt this senior, and another dog from the shelter. A volunteer contacted the shelter to arrange this, and will be picking the dogs up on Saturday and helping transport them to their new home. I want to extend a huge thanks to everyone who expressed interest in this senior dog.
There really are angels on Earth.
5/17 UPDATE!!!!! This message was sent to me:
Today my friend & I went to the Downey Shelter to bail out the infamous 16 y.o. Spaniel. I am happy to say that the rescue went very well and all the employees were very nice and helpful at the shelter. Everyone we spoke to there seemed to know which doggie we were picking up, and they were all very happy that Balin (that's his name!) was going to a good home to live out his twilight years in peace and comfort.
When Balin was brought out to me, I noticed one of his eyes was gunky and asked what was wrong. The shelter employee said, "Let's go to the clinic and find out" and we went there and the vet checked him out and showed me a growth on the inside of his upper eyelid. He said it's irritating his eye, cleaned the eye and gave me two tubes of ointment to put in his eyes and showed me how to apply it. He said the growth could probably be removed, but sometimes vets are hesitant to sedate an older dog, but it can be done. Otherwise, Balin had some arthritis that they treated with Rimadyl.
We left not only with Balin, but with a 3 y.o. lovely female Chihuahua mix who is just as sweet as can be. She immediately got very attached to my friend, watching his every move. Balin and the Chi girl were very happy to get sprung from the pokey!!
We made the long trip to the adopting mom's home. Neither Balin nor the Chi girl got car sick on the winding roads (although I got a bit queasy!!). After trying different positions, Balin got very comfortable and fell asleep. We arrived at Balin's new home. His new mom and her three (!) daughters are all beautiful and sweet. They were thrilled with the two new additions to their family, and Balin and the Chi girl were just as thrilled with their new family!! They had some water and explored their new digs. Balin got around just fine and made the rounds of his new home. One of the girls got out a brush and gently started to give him a much needed brushing, which he appreciated. His new mom said she would take Balin to the vet for a check-up and to look at his eye.
My friend and I had a great experience today, and it made us feel so good to save these two doggies. We want to thank this family for giving these dogs a good home and the care that they deserve...pics to follow :)