1 bar of pure soap (Zote, Kirk's Castile, Fels Naptha, Dr. Bronner's bar)
1 cup of Super Washing Soda (not baking soda)
1 cup of Borax
What you will need is a large bowl and a grater. First grate the bar soap into the bowl. Next, add the rest of the ingredients in and mix. It's done! This is even easier then driving to the store to buy detergentt. Sure, there's a bit of grating work involved but consider it a nice little arm workout.
Normal loads require 1 TBS, for larger loads use 2 TBS
Have a High Efficiency (HE) front loader?: HE machines require "special soap" because they use less water and therefore require a low sud detergent. The good news here is homemade laundry soap is very low suds so it is safe to use in HE machines.